Public Resources

Did you know that Oral Health is a Window to Your Overall Health?
The body's natural defenses and good oral health care, such as daily brushing and flossing, create a balance. However, without proper oral hygiene, bacteria can reach levels that might lead to oral infections, such as tooth decay and gum disease. Learn what conditions can be affected by your oral health and how you can protect it.
Protect yourself and family by learning more about the connection between your oral health and overall health in this article by the Mayo Clinic Staff.

A Healthy Smile Can Last A Lifetime...
Your oral health matters at all stages of your life, so why not learn the ways to protect it at all different ages. Explore advice for people at all stages of life and learn what can best help you where you’re at today. Use this interactive link and discover tips and tricks for keeping your smile bright and your health in check.

Do You Have A Dental Home?
An oral health care plan developed by your dental team can help you keep an eye on the prize of good oral health. If you need to find a dental home, please use this convenient tool to aid you in your search.